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Show your work

Poster Exhibition

Show your work at IDC23.

This is the opportunity of the year to share the work you are most proud of with an audience of fellow information designers, potential clients and other interested parties. Make sure your work has a central place at the IDC23 for optimal exposure!

How does it work?

You can submit a poster with your work to us before September 20. Please note: not every information design project is suitable for print. Do you have animations or interactive projects, or anything else that isn't meant for to be printed? Then you can email us a suitable description with a link to your work. A jury consisting of board members of the Information Design Conference makes a selection of a maximum of ten posters, taking into account the applicant's work experience.

All visitors with a valid conference ticket for IDC23 can participate in the poster exhibition: from student to professional, and from freelancer to editor or team.



Show your best work at IDC23


A1 (594 x 840 mm)




Oct. 2022 - Oct. 2023


20 September 2023

By participating, you give permission for the image incorporated in your poster entry to be exhibited during IDC23 and used for publicity purposes. In addition, you are responsible for any copyrights that may be on images used.


We will let you know by October 2 whether your project can be in the spotlight at the IDC. We will ensure that your poster is printed and displayed.

During the day there will be various opportunities for visitors to view your work. We will draw attention to the poster display before each break in the program, so that interested parties will have sufficient time to view the works.

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